Covid Cleaning
Area preparation
1. Define the area to be cleaned.
- This will be determined in discussion with the responsible senior manager of the workplace.
- They will include areas within the workplace used/visited by the COVID-19 positive case such as offices, bathrooms and common areas.
2. Close off area to be cleaned
- Use signage to prevent accidental entry by others
- If possible, open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation just prior to cleaning and disinfection.
3. Remove clutter and discard disposable items/waste into general waste bags, seal and dispose
4. Quarantine items that need to be kept.
- Place items in a clear plastic bag and store for 72 hours (e.g. paper documents).
5. Items that require laundering.
- Do not shake laundry
- Arrange for these to be sent to commercial laundry or washed in an on-site washing machine (if available). In workplaces where there are children i.e. schools or childcare centres, this may include dress up clothing.
6. Remove crockery and cutlery
- Place in an on-site dishwasher (if available) or wash in warm soapy water.
7. Identify soft furnishings which need to be cleaned with the steam cleaner
Cleaning and Disinfection
8. Using detergent and water, clean the furniture from cleanest to dirtiest (e.g. toilets are cleaned last) and high to low.
- Walls and ceilings may not need to be cleaned unless there is evidence of gross contamination of respiratory secretions. Walls may only need to be cleaned to touch height and frequently touched areas.
9. Using bleach disinfectant solution, clean the furniture from high to low (as above)
10. Allow for contact time of disinfectant (refer to product information)
11. Wipe off residual disinfectant.
12. Steam clean soft furnishings
13. Clean all re-usable cleaning equipment with disinfectant solution
- Wipe down mop handles, buckets and steam cleaner
14. Bag cleaning items that need to be laundered in a plastic bag and arrange to be laundered
15. Remove all waste into general waste
16. Site inspection with facility manager or outbreak team representative
Covid-19 cleaning and disinfection: Information for cleaners, business owners and managers
Adapted from ESVConnect website